Monday, March 10, 2014

Technology as a vehicle for communicating student achievement---the way of the near future.

Many of us have become comfortable with the present way of recording student achievement with the good old 1,2,3,4 or A, B, C+, C, D system.  There is an air reluctance to brace the future of e-portfolios in regards to do we have enough technology training, what will the software require of us, how the parents will receive the new system and are we, the district and province in the position to support us in this endeavor. True the e-portfolios provide student voice and visual representation of the students achievement but how much more time will the reporting mean and will the parents take the time to view them. What about the research behind such an endeavor was the question posed and would this be helpful when addressing parents about the change in reporting? Well, we looked at some information online from Finland and we forward further reading on this topic. Next time we will look at Springpad, a program currently used for creating e-portfolios to show and communicate student achievement and see what exactly it all entails and how challenging this endeavor may be. 

By Liza

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